Your publicity pictures are some of the most important representations that you will commission. From a profile picture on facebook to the cover of an album or theatre publicity poster, this first image will be what draws in your potential audience and allows them to identify with you. As the saying goes, "A picture paints a thousand words". Get it right and you have a powerful marketing tool with which to connect to your fans. Get it wrong and at best people will not engage with your message, at worst they will actively avoid you.
Style and image are all important when having your pictures created. Your images not only need to work as stand alone creations but they need to fit into the Genre that you inhabit. Viewers read images on a subconcious level and are looking for the semiotic messages that a well crafted image utilises. A profile image for a firm of solicitors would not be created with the same feel as the poster image for a heavy metal band. A music school will require something different while even 2 Jewelry makers will require a different approach dependent on their target customer.
Take some time to discuss your vision with your photographer. The creative process is two-way and the more imput that you can give, the more the photographer will be able to create something that you will love. However also listen to what they have to say sometimes someone that is able to "think out of the box" can breathe new life into your ideas and take you in a new and exciting creation.