Whether you are a theatre company looking for high quality promotional images for your programme / publicity or a band that requires stunning imagery for your next CD cover, Apt Creative Photography should be your first port of call
After an initial free consultation we will work closely with you to work towards your "vision" and provide you with imagery that shows your "in context". Suitable for any and all applications. As each project is very different, the cost can vary and therefore we base all of our projects around the standard rate of £40 per hour, however we can also work on 1/2 day or Daily rates which will enable us to bring the costs down. On an average shoot we can take anywhere upwards of 300 images, for example during a recent shoot for an "Animal Calender" we took over 800 images, and can provide you with images that are suitable for any purpose.
Post processing varies with each shoot however with the sheer quantitiy of image that will be taken and provided to you, we try to use the ballpark figure of 45 minutes to an hour of processing time for each hour of actual shooting.
Contact us now for a free consultation and we will help you to create exciting and original imagery